Sabtu, 23 April 2011

History Alcohol Abuse

History Alcohol Abuse
No one really knows how long man has used alcoholic beverage as part of his social activities, What is known, however, is that booze, or alcohol was in use many thousands of years before the World Health Organization declared alcohol a habit forming and addicting drug.

History Alcohol Abuse
It listed both alcohol addition and alcoholism as an illness. It is characterized by continuous or periodic impaired control over drinking, preoccupation with the drug alcohol, and the use of alcohol despite adverse consequences, and distortions in thinking, the most notably denial.It appears that alcohol, the drug that is used more blatantly than any other drug in man's history, is relegated to the back burner.

History Alcohol Abuse
It is estimated that 18.5 million American exhibit signs of alcoholism or alcohol dependence. In America, alcohol-related problem strikes one family in every three. Alcohol is closely linked to suicide. Among the causes of death in identified alcoholics, 20% are due to suicide another 22% are alcohol-dependent. Alcoholism is a disease that directly affects those close to the alcoholic, especially family members. Other preventive measures are, avoiding high-risk drinking, know your family's history with alcohol, and know your own history with alcohol use.

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